Sunday, February 19, 2012

Craziest dream

So I took a nap today after finishing my song.
Big mistake.
I'm not going to add any pictures to this one. I want you to imgine it.
I dreamt that my brother in college was actually dead and my parents were trying to hide the fact from me. I would text who I thought was him, but it was really my parents with his phone sending the message. They would hire someone who sounded exactly like him to take phone calls, and they would always prevent me from coming with them when they went to visit him. But one day, they told me to come with them to visit my brother. They had gotten someone who looked exactly like him to talk to me. But I knew something was up when this imposter wasn't as crazy as my brother. Then I told my parents that I knew what was going on. Next thing I know, they were trying to eat me. Then I woke up.

TL;DR: Your brother isn't dead.

My new song!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

What the hell is this?

Right after making a post about my new tumblr, I just noticed this in place of where ads usually are.

Why do I need a calculator? Does this even make me money? 
So I just messed around with it
Ha, I spelled boob!

This seems really stupid. But, apparently Google replaced my ads with an app thing...
Why do I need an app to view sunsets?
I think the people at Google hired a new marketing department supervisor, and he ain't too bright.

Currently, my dislike for Google ads has turned into a hatred.
I want to make money. Google, you are making this difficult. I can't make money if people are spelling "boobies" on a calculator.
Please, Google. Less this

          and this

And more
It's not that hard to understand.