Monday, January 2, 2012

Gingers and You!

Ginger accounts for about 2% of the population in the whole world!
But did you know that ginger is actually a...root? vegetable?....anyways, it's delicious and spicy! But it's not even close to orange.
Many people believe that ginger does not have a soul, while everybody else does!

Do you know why people cringe at ginger? I've researched and come up with this list:

As I studied further into this, I concocted a simple equation to use gingers to turn a profit! We've assumed that ginger have no soul, so that makes them evil.

So get out there and get some ginger!


  1. Actually, ginger would equal money squared.

  2. If you got gingers equals money then you didn't square both sides of the equation "money = the square root of evil", which you would need to do in order to turn the square root of evil into plain old evil. However, since you have to do what you do to one side to the other, you would need to square money, becoming money squared, such that the statement "gingers=evil=money squared" is true.
